Our Factory

In 2005 we were asked to vacate the warehouse and office within the compound of Bugisu Co-operative Union which we had occupied since 1998. The push did not come too soon. In 2004-5 Gumutindo had exported 14 containers and the little warehouse had been full to bursting, resulting in one or two mix-ups over different shipments. After looking at a number of possibilities, Gumutindo decided to put in a bid for a run-down complex of 3 warehouses and associated offices on Mwanyi Road, Mbale (Coffee Road in Luganda).

The refurbishment ended up costing more than the premises, but resulted in a high quality environment for coffee, with cross-ventilated warehouses that are several degrees cooler than the old store, a direct satellite connection to the internet, and a networked system of computers. Handsorting is now done on conveyor belts, which has speeded up the process, improved the quality of the product, and increased the earnings of the 100 or so women who carry out this seasonal work at Gumutindo.

Factory comprises of the stores, offices, milling plant and weighbridge.

We do offer milling services to cooperatives and exporters.

Contact us for more details.

Email: info@gumutindocoffeecoop.com